/*! Buttons for DataTables 1.5.4 * ©2016-2018 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license */ (function( factory ){ if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( ['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ( $ ) { return factory( $, window, document ); } ); } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) { // CommonJS module.exports = function (root, $) { if ( ! root ) { root = window; } if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) { $ = require('datatables.net')(root, $).$; } return factory( $, root, root.document ); }; } else { // Browser factory( jQuery, window, document ); } }(function( $, window, document, undefined ) { 'use strict'; var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable; // Used for namespacing events added to the document by each instance, so they // can be removed on destroy var _instCounter = 0; // Button namespacing counter for namespacing events on individual buttons var _buttonCounter = 0; var _dtButtons = DataTable.ext.buttons; /** * [Buttons description] * @param {[type]} * @param {[type]} */ var Buttons = function( dt, config ) { // If there is no config set it to an empty object if ( typeof( config ) === 'undefined' ) { config = {}; } // Allow a boolean true for defaults if ( config === true ) { config = {}; } // For easy configuration of buttons an array can be given if ( $.isArray( config ) ) { config = { buttons: config }; } this.c = $.extend( true, {}, Buttons.defaults, config ); // Don't want a deep copy for the buttons if ( config.buttons ) { this.c.buttons = config.buttons; } this.s = { dt: new DataTable.Api( dt ), buttons: [], listenKeys: '', namespace: 'dtb'+(_instCounter++) }; this.dom = { container: $('<'+this.c.dom.container.tag+'/>') .addClass( this.c.dom.container.className ) }; this._constructor(); }; $.extend( Buttons.prototype, { /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Public methods */ /** * Get the action of a button * @param {int|string} Button index * @return {function} *//** * Set the action of a button * @param {node} node Button element * @param {function} action Function to set * @return {Buttons} Self for chaining */ action: function ( node, action ) { var button = this._nodeToButton( node ); if ( action === undefined ) { return button.conf.action; } button.conf.action = action; return this; }, /** * Add an active class to the button to make to look active or get current * active state. * @param {node} node Button element * @param {boolean} [flag] Enable / disable flag * @return {Buttons} Self for chaining or boolean for getter */ active: function ( node, flag ) { var button = this._nodeToButton( node ); var klass = this.c.dom.button.active; var jqNode = $(button.node); if ( flag === undefined ) { return jqNode.hasClass( klass ); } jqNode.toggleClass( klass, flag === undefined ? true : flag ); return this; }, /** * Add a new button * @param {object} config Button configuration object, base string name or function * @param {int|string} [idx] Button index for where to insert the button * @return {Buttons} Self for chaining */ add: function ( config, idx ) { var buttons = this.s.buttons; if ( typeof idx === 'string' ) { var split = idx.split('-'); var base = this.s; for ( var i=0, ien=split.length-1 ; i=0 ; i-- ) { this.remove( button.buttons[i].node ); } } // Allow the button to remove event handlers, etc if ( button.conf.destroy ) { button.conf.destroy.call( dt.button(node), dt, $(node), button.conf ); } this._removeKey( button.conf ); $(button.node).remove(); var idx = $.inArray( button, host ); host.splice( idx, 1 ); return this; }, /** * Get the text for a button * @param {int|string} node Button index * @return {string} Button text *//** * Set the text for a button * @param {int|string|function} node Button index * @param {string} label Text * @return {Buttons} Self for chaining */ text: function ( node, label ) { var button = this._nodeToButton( node ); var buttonLiner = this.c.dom.collection.buttonLiner; var linerTag = button.inCollection && buttonLiner && buttonLiner.tag ? buttonLiner.tag : this.c.dom.buttonLiner.tag; var dt = this.s.dt; var jqNode = $(button.node); var text = function ( opt ) { return typeof opt === 'function' ? opt( dt, jqNode, button.conf ) : opt; }; if ( label === undefined ) { return text( button.conf.text ); } button.conf.text = label; if ( linerTag ) { jqNode.children( linerTag ).html( text(label) ); } else { jqNode.html( text(label) ); } return this; }, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructor */ /** * Buttons constructor * @private */ _constructor: function () { var that = this; var dt = this.s.dt; var dtSettings = dt.settings()[0]; var buttons = this.c.buttons; if ( ! dtSettings._buttons ) { dtSettings._buttons = []; } dtSettings._buttons.push( { inst: this, name: this.c.name } ); for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i') .addClass( collectionDom.className ) .attr( 'role', 'menu' ) ; built.conf._collection = built.collection; this._expandButton( built.buttons, built.conf.buttons, true, attachPoint ); } // init call is made here, rather than buildButton as it needs to // be selectable, and for that it needs to be in the buttons array if ( conf.init ) { conf.init.call( dt.button( built.node ), dt, $(built.node), conf ); } buttonCounter++; } }, /** * Create an individual button * @param {object} config Resolved button configuration * @param {boolean} inCollection `true` if a collection button * @return {jQuery} Created button node (jQuery) * @private */ _buildButton: function ( config, inCollection ) { var buttonDom = this.c.dom.button; var linerDom = this.c.dom.buttonLiner; var collectionDom = this.c.dom.collection; var dt = this.s.dt; var text = function ( opt ) { return typeof opt === 'function' ? opt( dt, button, config ) : opt; }; if ( inCollection && collectionDom.button ) { buttonDom = collectionDom.button; } if ( inCollection && collectionDom.buttonLiner ) { linerDom = collectionDom.buttonLiner; } // Make sure that the button is available based on whatever requirements // it has. For example, Flash buttons require Flash if ( config.available && ! config.available( dt, config ) ) { return false; } var action = function ( e, dt, button, config ) { config.action.call( dt.button( button ), e, dt, button, config ); $(dt.table().node()).triggerHandler( 'buttons-action.dt', [ dt.button( button ), dt, button, config ] ); }; var tag = config.tag || buttonDom.tag; var button = $('<'+tag+'/>') .addClass( buttonDom.className ) .attr( 'tabindex', this.s.dt.settings()[0].iTabIndex ) .attr( 'aria-controls', this.s.dt.table().node().id ) .on( 'click.dtb', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ! button.hasClass( buttonDom.disabled ) && config.action ) { action( e, dt, button, config ); } button.blur(); } ) .on( 'keyup.dtb', function (e) { if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) { if ( ! button.hasClass( buttonDom.disabled ) && config.action ) { action( e, dt, button, config ); } } } ); // Make `a` tags act like a link if ( tag.toLowerCase() === 'a' ) { button.attr( 'href', '#' ); } // Button tags should have `type=button` so they don't have any default behaviour if ( tag.toLowerCase() === 'button' ) { button.attr( 'type', 'button' ); } if ( linerDom.tag ) { var liner = $('<'+linerDom.tag+'/>') .html( text( config.text ) ) .addClass( linerDom.className ); if ( linerDom.tag.toLowerCase() === 'a' ) { liner.attr( 'href', '#' ); } button.append( liner ); } else { button.html( text( config.text ) ); } if ( config.enabled === false ) { button.addClass( buttonDom.disabled ); } if ( config.className ) { button.addClass( config.className ); } if ( config.titleAttr ) { button.attr( 'title', text( config.titleAttr ) ); } if ( config.attr ) { button.attr( config.attr ); } if ( ! config.namespace ) { config.namespace = '.dt-button-'+(_buttonCounter++); } var buttonContainer = this.c.dom.buttonContainer; var inserter; if ( buttonContainer && buttonContainer.tag ) { inserter = $('<'+buttonContainer.tag+'/>') .addClass( buttonContainer.className ) .append( button ); } else { inserter = button; } this._addKey( config ); return { conf: config, node: button.get(0), inserter: inserter, buttons: [], inCollection: inCollection, collection: null }; }, /** * Get the button object from a node (recursive) * @param {node} node Button node * @param {array} [buttons] Button array, uses base if not defined * @return {object} Button object * @private */ _nodeToButton: function ( node, buttons ) { if ( ! buttons ) { buttons = this.s.buttons; } for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i 30 ) { // Protect against misconfiguration killing the browser throw 'Buttons: Too many iterations'; } } return $.isArray( base ) ? base : $.extend( {}, base ); }; conf = toConfObject( conf ); while ( conf && conf.extend ) { // Use `toConfObject` in case the button definition being extended // is itself a string or a function if ( ! _dtButtons[ conf.extend ] ) { throw 'Cannot extend unknown button type: '+conf.extend; } var objArray = toConfObject( _dtButtons[ conf.extend ] ); if ( $.isArray( objArray ) ) { return objArray; } else if ( ! objArray ) { // This is a little brutal as it might be possible to have a // valid button without the extend, but if there is no extend // then the host button would be acting in an undefined state return false; } // Stash the current class name var originalClassName = objArray.className; conf = $.extend( {}, objArray, conf ); // The extend will have overwritten the original class name if the // `conf` object also assigned a class, but we want to concatenate // them so they are list that is combined from all extended buttons if ( originalClassName && conf.className !== originalClassName ) { conf.className = originalClassName+' '+conf.className; } // Buttons to be added to a collection -gives the ability to define // if buttons should be added to the start or end of a collection var postfixButtons = conf.postfixButtons; if ( postfixButtons ) { if ( ! conf.buttons ) { conf.buttons = []; } for ( i=0, ien=postfixButtons.length ; i